Oct 4, 2023Liked by Kaspa Thompson (they/them)

No is still such a hard thing. I'm getting better at it. Teaching myself slowly. One of the stories that gets in the way of saying no is this belief that I'm the only person who can do that thing. If I say no, it won't happen or no one will do it. Most of the time this isn't true. But even if it is, so what? Life goes on. And sometimes now when I say no, it feels like such an incredible relief, I know it was the right thing.

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Thanks for sharing. I think it will be an ongoing learning for me, and yes that feeling of relief is such a good sign (and a good feeling)

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Kaspa Thompson (they/them)

YES YES YES to NO!!!! 😊

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Kaspa Thompson (they/them)

Such a koan for so many of us. Thank you for sharing this Kaspa, it helps. Well done on saying no, and sitting with the uncomfortable feelings that engenders. Humans need to see each other doing this more!

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Thanks, yes we can all get better at this I imagine! Look forward to seeing you in a few days.

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You too! 😘

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Kaspa Thompson (they/them)

Well done Kaspa

I'm practising no too. For a long time I've been overworking myself taking on too much on too many committees too many jobs too many professional developments and just overstretching myself unbearably. I still haven't worked out completely why I do this. There is certainly a part of me that has always done this kind of thing but admitting that doesn't actually solve the riddle of why it just says it's a tray that you've had for a long time. When I think about it I realise that a large part of why I do it is simply fear of missing out Coupled with the idea that when I'm in my left brain I convince myself that more is better - not at the conscious level but definitely at the subconscious level.

Then there's the idea that rest is such a precious thing that we should treasure it

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Fear of missing out can be a big motivator! And then we don't end up appreciate what we are doing when we're doing too much... Thanks for sharing

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